Trust > Hope

I have a profound love of words, I would be content sitting with a Dictionary or Thesaurus over a fiction novel any day. The word “Hope”, derives many positive emotions and is closely aligned to the word “Faith” these are positive words which happen to also be great names. I don’t now many who don’t enjoy the feeling of hope and faith, whenever talking to someone I haven’t spoken too in a while the message usually starts with “I hope you’re doing well”, this is natural second nature and positive.

Lately I’ve found myself diving into more affirmative literature that is aspirational and visionary and have gained new appreciation and admiration for the word “trust”. I’ve found that the two words are actually inter-changeable however one is more action ordinated and affirmative in tone. To say “I trust you’re doing well” is to speak into existence and affirm the thought. To hope feels like a wish and although wishing is great trusting is knowing and to me holds more energetic weight and power.

To trust another is to trust yourself, feelings of betrayal, let down, disappointment come mostly when unable to truly trust yourself. Therefore before hope, I think trust is more vital and important because even if something goes differently than you originally envisioned or planned you can trust that the result will flow into something that was meant to be experienced for your greater good. Now there are circumstances which are down right simply sad, hard to accept, beyond difficult to “trust”, the current humanitarian crisis in Gaza comes to mind, the young child who falls ill through no fault of there own and dies, every day tragedy is around the corner. Trusting you’ll have the ability to accept and rise to the challenge flipping the feeling of dis-empowerment around into an enabling power that allows a person to rise and not stay down supports individual “will” and “strength”.

So I choose to say, “Trust you’re well, trust you’ll have a good day, trust life is treating you good”, because even in the moment if it is not the seed of trust enables the growth of hope, therefore to me these days it is so vital and important to trust the process and remember to take action and to flow with nature, not against it.


Sober Thoughts