Relationships, Stress & Perseverance

"Trust your gut, take care of yourself, and remember if your not mentally strong and in a good place, either is your business and your ability to grow. " 

This is an introduction to a 3 part blog posting that will focus on Relationships, Stress, and Perseverance. I will attempt to show how understanding these three things are crucial to developing a successful business venture. I will use examples reflecting on my own personal experience, I'm living it, this is as authentic as it gets.

Relationships (Part 1)

In the first post I will focus and look at relationships such as family, personal, business, and  those that are simply just to complicated to even explain. These relationships can cloud your vision, and severely hinder your mental health. In the last year I have learned that "managing" these relationships are a fundamental pillar and the most important thing any young entrepreneur or aspiring young professional can do. I have made many mistakes, but I  have also learned from each one.  I thought sharing this knowledge would go a long way to help others avoid some unnecessary avoidable problems.

Stress (Part 2)

The second post will look at Stress! This includes financial, personal, mental and physical stress that comes from every day life being on your own. It is one of  the most destructive forces that I know. It's not so much the physical aliments associated with it, but more so the mental. If you are stressed you will have a negative outlook, you will have doubt, you will loose your vision, and more than likely you will damage if not permanently loose some very important relationships that mean a lot to you.            

Perseverance (Part 3)

My third and last post will talk about Perseverance. When I finished university I got the word "Perseverance" inscribed on the inside of my graduation ring.  It is such a powerful word because it describes a powerful characteristic, the ability to withstand discouragement and difficulties holding true to your beliefs. For an entrepreneur this is everything, if you don't believe in what you are doing no one else will. Quitting is not an option; restructure, re-build, keep going, never stop believing in you. Some people might call you cocky, don't worry about that,  its just confidence and unfortunately  a lot of people lack it.

"Success is a lifestyle and mental state, not something that can be attained."


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